

Where is my Treasure?

It is pretty apparent that we live in a very materialistic world where people are often judged, not by their character, but by the materials and money that they possess.  Many folks in this so-called “Rat Race” are in the constant, dogged, and insatiable pursuit for more.   There have been times in my life, ashamedly; that I have been guilty of this said pursuit.   As I have gotten older and hopefully gained a bit of perspective, I realized a few things:

  1. Earthly possessions/money cannot produce true happiness.     
  2. The newness/excitement/shine of an earthly possession wears off very quickly.  
  3. Many times the idea of having something nice (sports car, boat, golf clubs, etc.) is better than the reality of owning it.  These are temporary things that can only provide limited happiness.

I don’t say this to suggest that there is something wrong in and of itself with having nice things, but I think it is important to maintain the proper perspective in our day to day lives.  We should realize as mentioned in Matthew 6:19 to “not lay up treasures on earth,” which are perishable.  Do we sometimes put too much emphasis on money, possessions, etc.?

Also, I am sure that all of us have met people that possess vast material wealth due to their commitment of attaining it and yet, they are still very unhappy individuals.  I Timothy 6:10 provides warning to us of those who have a love of money, “that have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.”   This world is not our home, so it stands to reason that nothing acquired in this world could provide true fulfillment.  Do we believe that the only happiness that matters is a home in heaven?  Do we take heed of the danger spoken of in I Timothy 6:10?

Furthermore, it is important to understand that everything belongs to God, including us (Psalm 24:1).  We are merely stewards of that which he has blessed us with.  I need to know that God expects me to use what he has entrusted to me (time, money, resources) to further spread the gospel, to help those less fortunate, and to ultimately give glory to His name.  Do we realize that time is just as valuable, if not more so than money or possessions?   Are we using that (time, money, etc.) which He has blessed us with to glorify His name?

The Gift of Salvation

It is important for us to understand that the gift of eternal life, a home in heaven far surpasses anything we could ever hope to achieve or attain on this earth.  It is also equally important to realize that this gift came at great cost.  “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16).  God valued us enough to send His Son to die for our sins.  Are we valuing the gift of salvation and His sacrifice as much as we should be?  Are we telling those in the world about the gift of salvation?

When I think of this fact, I ask myself if I am pursuing my hope of salvation as adamantly as I sometimes pursue some of the vain, secular things of life.  Sadly, I can think if many instances when I have been sidetracked or anxious for temporal things of this life that have taken my focus off where it needs to be.  I think it is important for us to remember that being a follower of Christ is the most important thing we can ever hope to be.  Do we have a proper perspective on what great a gift Christ is for our hope of salvation?   If not, why not?  Are we striving to be a follower of Him more than any other earthly endeavor? 

Do I trust in God?

Too often I believe we can try and rely on ourselves to get through our daily lives without trusting in God and realizing that He knows our struggles and our needs.  Christ assures us in Matthew 6:32-33 of this, “For your Heavenly Father knows that you need all these things.  33 But seek first the kingdom of God and His Righteousness and all these things shall be added to you.”   We are also told earlier in Matthew chapter 6, that God provides for the “birds of the air” and the “lilies of the field” and since we are of more value than them, why would God not provide for us as well.   We will all experience want or need over the course of our lives and we need to trust that God will always provide in His time.   Do we trust that God knows what we need and what is good for us?  Our study and prayer will help us have a better understanding and appreciation for God’s true nature.   Are praying to God and studying His word enough to seek and trust His counsel and guidance? 

It is important that we do trust in God and realize that without Him, we could do nothing.  We cannot rely on our own understanding and trust our own abilities. We should also take comfort in the fact, that if we follow Him, He will never forsake us.  Understanding and trusting that God is in control should humble us and make us ever more grateful for all He has done for us.   Will we trust in God and believe that He will do what He has revealed to us in His Word?

In conclusion, I think it is important for all of us to realize that our life is short and is not comprised of the things we attained during it.  Our most prized possession should be our hope of salvation.  We should be willing to cast aside everything to achieve the gift of eternal life.   Are we willing to forsake everything to be a follower of Christ and to strive for a home in heaven? 

Also, we must place all of our hope and trust in God and believe that He is faithful to deliver us, if we will follow Him.  This is not to suggest that life will be easy or without trials, but we can have faith and hope in Him to see it through to the end.   As said in Hebrews 10:23, “Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.”