

Are You a TroubleMaker?



We recently discussed in our bible class about Elijah and how king Ahab called him a "troublemaker of Israel" in 1 Kings 18:17. This word usually has a negative connotation to it as someone who does things to agitate others in a bad way.  But, if we think about it in the story of Elijah, it's quite the contrary. Elijah was a troublemaker for Jesus.  He agitated the people to stop following Baal and to start following God. If we want to be like Elijah, we first need to have a faith from which we can build upon.  Otherwise we won't be ready if someone asks us questions about our beliefs and we will not be prepared. They won't be stirred up to come to Christ or be even interested in His word. If they are believers, they won't be edified or benefit from us talking to them. We have many ways that we can apply Elijah's characteristic of being this troublemaker to our individual lives.

       If you're in school, there are many opportunities to spread the word with the people around you, but things such as peer pressure and popularity can hinder you from being a troublemaker. Being a troublemaker doesn't mean you have to go to the extremes of condemning others or shoving the bible into someone's life, it can be as simple as not laughing at that inappropriate joke, using that word or those words, or doing those things. So I ask you, are you a troublemaker?

        Being a troublemaker applies to people of all ages. Sometimes as people get older they feel that they're incapable of being this troublemaker, but there are things you can still do such as trying to set a good example around the younger people. Seeing an older person coming to worship as often as they can, even when they're struggling with their health is very encouraging. As you get older, you also can apply the wisdom from the lessons you learned from when you were younger and you can in turn help others with that advice. So I ask you, are you a troublemaker?

       Parents should also be avid troublemakers in their role in the family. Parents play a major role not only in their children's lives, but also in each other's. They should encourage one another daily, as well as encourage the children. Most parents work and so you too can spread Christ through your workplace.  For example, if a coworker invites you to a bar to grab a drink, you should have your answer ready (1 Corinthians 5:11 for example) , and tell them not only that you won't go, but why. As stated above with kids at school, it's the same with coworkers or bosses, inappropriate jokes and language are used frequently and if we even associate with them we will most likely be the ones who are affected.  But if we don't laugh at those things, they will soon realize that we are different and that too can stir them up. 

     We are told in Matthew 5:16 to" let our lights shine". The example we set plays a major role in showing people the way to Christ, but we need to examine ourselves first. If we're acting like everyone else in the world and you start trying to be a troublemaker for Christ, do you think people are going to follow you? Look at how you are letting your light shine.  We read in

Hebrews 13:21, “equip you in every good thing to do His will, working in us that which is pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be the glory forever and ever. Amen.” We need to be troublemakers like Elijah so that we will stir up the people around us and bring them to Christ. But, being a troublemaker can be hard. We can be a spiritually lazy troublemaker, which means that we are too lazy or too "tired" to stir up others.  Yes, life can have its ups and downs, but we need to build up physical and spiritual strength so we can help others even when we go through rough points in our lives.

      Elijah went through many troubling experiences in his life, from Jezebel wanting to kill him because he showed that God was superior to the idol Baal, to running countless times because he was spreading God's word and yet he positively affected many people. We have seen many ways that we can stir up one another as well as others in the world, so are you being a troublemaker? Or, have you been one but now become spiritually lazy or been brought down by others? It says in James 2:26, “For just as the body without the spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead.” Is your faith dead because you weren't being the troublemaker you are supposed to be? I ask you to seriously consider your life and how you are letting God be shown through you.


Dylan Richards