Lot’s Slippery Slope
Every day we make decisions; some of these decisions are simple like what to wear or eat, and some are more difficult like who will I marry or what job am I going to take. Whatever the decisions or choices we make, there are influences assisting us in making those decisions. Those influences can come in the form parents, teachers, friends or society in general.
Lot made decisions in his life, that in themselves might not have been “wrong,” but one poor decision lead to another and down that slippery slope. The world around us exerts a lot of influence on us, sometimes for good but often for evil. As we will see with Lot, the pressure to conform to the world was strong, and before he realized it, he was like those of the world.
Lot’s choice to take the greener and well pastured land looked like a great business decision… where else would a herdsman want to be (Gen. 13:7-13)? That land was close to Sodom, and the men of Sodom were very sinful, but he wasn’t in Sodom yet.
Lot’s decision began a series of events that followed the pattern in Psalms 1:1- “Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.” Notice the patterns of increased involvement with the sinner - One goes from simply walking within earshot of the speech of ungodly people, to stopping and listing to what the sinners are saying, to sitting down and joining the sinner. Lot traveled a similar path on his way from the green pastures and plains to
Sodom. Lot first pitched his tents far from Sodom, but by the time the Lord destroys Sodom, we see Lot “Sitting in the gate” (Gen.19:1) and living in the wicked city. We can see by Lot’s poor choices, that he had reached a level of acceptance with those in the city of Sodom (Gen. 19).
Lot’s slippery slope had dire consequences for him and his family. First, he was tormented by the wickedness of Sodom (2Peter 2:7-8). The sin of that city bothered him, but it was only to a point because he chose to stay there. Secondly, his morals were corrupted (Gen. 19:4-8). The sinful state of Sodom did more than torment him. It eventually corrupted his thinking. How else do we explain Lot offering his daughters to an angry mob of men? Thirdly, he lost everything that meant anything to him. Lot lost his sons-in-laws, his wife, his home and wealth. Lot moved to the greener pastures and then to Sodom because of opportunity and money. That first decision started his slippery slope of poor choices that destroyed his family.
What lessons can be learned from Lots example? First, set the right priorities. If we have the correct values and priorities, then the correct decisions will take care of themselves (Matt. 6:33). Secondly, seek good advice from others. Those who are mature and wise can help us make good decisions (Prov. 13:20). Always choose the best. Sometimes the decision is not between right or wrong, it is the between good, better or best. We need to learn how to tell the difference and always choose the best (Phil. 1:9-10).
Lastly, we need to remember that increased exposure leads to increased tolerance and involvement. The more we are around sinful influences, the more tolerant we will become of them (Ps. 1:1). We need to be very careful about who we allow to influence us and our family (1Cor. 15:33). All of the decisions we make, even the seemingly insignificant ones, have varying potential to be disastrous. The bad decisions we make will eventually come back to haunt us. “Be not deceived; God is not mocked, for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap (Gal.6:7).
– Craig Hecht