Online Articles
Faithful To . . . What ?
I believe Christians may “depart from the faith,” “fall away from grace,” even “deny the Lord that bought them” (1Tim. 4:1; Gal. 5:4; 2Pet. 2:1) for the scriptures clearly teach this.
1 Jn 2:19 says: “They went out from us, but they were not really of us; for if they had been of us, they would have remained with us; but they went out, so that it would be shown that they all are not of us.” Those who believe this applies to all who backslide are wrong. But we also err if we think that all who are baptized, and are “faithful” in their hometown, are truly converted to Christ.
It is a common cry in California (and I suspect in northeastern industrial areas) that many “faithful” Christians from Tennessee, Oklahoma or Texas, come there to work, and “never darken the church doors.” Friends lament the fact that they were “faithful to the church” back home.
And that is it – exactly ! They were indeed “faithful to the church” (apparently), but not faithful to the Lord. Many “grew up in the church” without really knowing the truth in a direct and personal way. They may have been drilled in the right answers concerning baptism, the Lord’s Supper, instrumental music, etc., yet never have committed themselves to honest Bible study, never have given themselves whole-heartedly to Christ.
“Back home” their parents and their friends expected them to “be faithful” (meaning, attend the services), and they did so. But away from home, separated from hometown pressures to conform, their lack of genuine ties to Christ became apparent. It was not “worldly California” that drew them away, they simply were not bound by the love of God in the first place.
Much of our concern about the young people who “quit the church” is equally misdirected. Area-wide socials, church skating parties and other fellowship hall activities do not bind the youth to Christ. They actually increase the rate of apostasy when these young people leave home and are thrown into an environment that calls for spiritual strength. If we feed hungry souls with hamburgers we deprive them of training for the church-world, light-darkness battles they must meet in adult life.
Is “churchanity” responsible for much of the weak spiritual fiber seen in those who go astray? I believe it is, and have for twenty years or more been preaching the evils of “party line” religion. But God forbid that I should deny the existence of the divinely authorized local church, or the organized functions of its members. Sectarianism arises among God’s people, whether they call themselves “church” or “group,” when they regard themselves as the standard for “soundness.”
By objective, non-sectarian appraisal of our practices in the light of the word of God, we may be able to teach the next generation to turn to the Lord, and cleave to Him. (Acts 11:20f)
- Robert F. Turner