

A Helper Fit for Man

On June 13th, I officiated Marshall and Jordan’s wedding.  This is an expansion of some of the thoughts I shared with them in the service.

When we talk about marriage we often speak of Genesis and reference Adam & Eve as proof that marriage has been a part of God’s plan since creation.  That’s true, but I want to talk for a minute about a part of that story that are sometimes overlooked. 

From Genesis 2:

Then the LORD God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.” Now out of the ground the LORD God had formed every beast of the field and every bird of the heavens and brought them to the man to see what he would call them. And whatever the man called every living creature, that was its name. The man gave names to all livestock and to the birds of the heavens and to every beast of the field. But for Adam there was not found a helper fit for him.  So the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and while he slept took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh. And the rib that the LORD God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man.

After creation God brought all of the animals to Adam to see what he would name them. Then when Adam was done the Bible declares that in all the world there was not a helper found fit for him.

But, really, didn’t God know this already?  Didn’t God know that horses and pigeons and monkeys wouldn’t be suitable helpers for Adam?  Of course He did.  But God wanted Adam to know that too.  Before God created Eve, He wanted Adam to know that he was all alone.  That no matter how full of life the world was, Adam.  Was.  Helpless.  And after Adam knew just how alone he was, God gave him his wife.

A woman who could know Adam, could understand him, could encourage him, and could fulfill him in a way that only a wife can.  Part of God’s blessing to Adam was, for a very brief time, to make him feel very, very alone—so that Adam could appreciate God’s wisdom and provision in giving him Eve.

A lesson for husbands is to know that a wife is a blessing from God.  There is nothing like a good wife in all the world.  Nothing in the whole world can replace her.  God has declared this to be true. So, care for her, and protect her, and cherish her.  But also lean on her.  Woman has been uniquely prepared by God to fulfill the very special role of a wife.  Allow her to fulfill that role to the fullest.

And the lesson for wives is to know that just like their husbands, the life before you has been prepared by God.  The work given to each of you may look different.  But never forget that when God, and Adam, looked the whole world over, they found creation lacking until Adam was given a wife.  There’s nothing in the whole world as valuable as you.  Even God said so.  I hope that as you travel and experience all of the beauty of creation that God has blessed us with, all that you see reminds us just how special a good wife is.

The lesson for both husbands and wives that we see in Genesis 2 is that God gave mankind work to do.  That work was not meant as a punishment, it was not meant to merely keep man busy, but it was meant to be a way for man to carry on God’s work in creation.

God made the animals.  But He gave Adam the task of naming them.  God made the garden, but it was Adam and Eve’s job “to work it and keep it”.  God didn’t say, “You’re a lowly human, now do work.”  God said, “You’re my children, so do more of the work that I started.”

What does that look like in a marriage?  How can a husband and wife carry on the work that God started?  How can they, specifically in their roles of husband and wife, be image bearers for their Father?

We don’t have a garden in Eden to tend.  But husbands and wives can carry on the work of creation.  They can make things that glorify God.  They can create a home that is a sanctuary and anchor in a world of uncertainty.  They can create a family that will be an example of love in a world full of hate.  And they can create a marriage that is an example of hope in a world of despair.

Genesis 2 teaches us that God created man and woman for each other and that marriage is the union ordained by God for man and woman.  But Genesis 2 can teach us so much more about what that marriage should look like and how it can reflect God’s power and love.

-  Eric Wise


Money can buy . . .

            a bed, but not sleep,

            books, but not brains,

            food, but not appetite,

            finery, but not beauty,

            a house, but not a home,

            medicine, but not health,

            fun, but not happiness,

            religion, but not salvation.